Six months is a long time to be parted from something, especially a beloved tv series that ends its midseason finale on a cliffhanger, or in Outlander and Jamie’s case, a window hanger, but our wait is finally over. With “The Reckoning” just a day away, it is time to take one last look back at the first part of the season, beginning with “Sassenach.”
Below you will find basic information about each episode (writing/directing credits, original air date, etc), as well as some personal picks for memorable scenes and quotes. Near the end of the article, each of Outlander TV News’ writers also ranks their top three episodes from the first half of the season. There are even a few extra features, including “Sassenach” and “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ” counts and a fun little sing-along.
Feel free to share some of your favorite scenes, quotes, and episodes in the comments.
Episode 101: “Sassenach”
Written by Ronald D. Moore
Directed by John Dahl
Original air date: August 9, 2014
Synopsis: 1945 England: Claire Randall reunites with her husband after five years of war. A second honeymoon goes awry when she falls back through time to 1740’s Scotland.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Claire and Frank’s have a bit of fun jumping on the bed at Mrs. Barid’s inn and share how they tried to remember each other during the war.
2. Frank sees a mysterious Highlander standing in the rain and staring up at Claire in their room.
3. Claire and Frank watch the Druid dance at Craigh na Dun.
Memorable quotes:
“What do you suppose that is?”
“Huh? Oh, good Lord. Blood.”
“Are you sure?”
“I think I should know the look of blood by now.”
-Frank and Claire
“Well, I think it’s fair to say Mrs. Baird will be kept appraised of any renewed attempt to start a family.”
“Lazybones. You’ll never manage the next branch of your family tree if you don’t show more industry than that.”
-Claire and Frank
“If nothing else, my erstwhile savior fairly reeked of odors too foul to be part of any dream I was likely to conjure up.”
“I’ve never heard a woman use such language in my life.”
Episode 102: “Castle Leoch”
Written by Ronald D. Moore
Directed by John Dahl
Original air date: August 16, 2014
Synopsis: Claire is brought to Castle Leoch under suspicion as an English spy. Learning that the year is 1743, she tries to arrange travel back to the standing stones. Colum MacKenzie uses her ability as a healer as an excuse to detain her.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Claire tends to Jamie’s wounds and learns a bit about his past with Black Jack Randall.
2. Mrs. Fitz dresses Claire in proper attire.
3. Claire and Jamie have lunch in the stables and he tells her more about his past.
Claire confronts Rupert at the stables for following her under Dougal’s orders.
Memorable quotes:
“Rupert, ye great fat fart, what have you done to my Peggy?”
-Alec to Rupert
“Murtagh, you look and smell like a rat that’s been dragged through sheep dung.”
“Gi’ us a kiss then.”
-Mrs. Fitz and Murtagh
“When I woke up, I was tressed up in the wagon with the chickens, jolting down the road to Fort William.”
“I’m so sorry. That must have been terrible for you.”
“Aye. Chickens are very poor company.”
-Jamie and Claire
“Just never forget that you’re English in a place where that’s not a pretty thing to be.”
Jamie to Claire
“What kind of corset is that?”
“It’s a brassiere. It’s from France.”
-Mrs. Fitz and Claire
“Just try not to get flogged or stabbed today. That’ll be enough.”
“No promises, Sassenach.”
-Claire and Jamie
“If ye’d wanted a beating, I’d been happy to oblige ye.”
“Aye, but you might have done some real damage.”
-Murtagh and Jamie
Episode 103: “The Way Out”
Written by Anne Kenney
Directed by Brian Kelly
Original air date: August 23, 2014
Synopsis:Claire’s abilities as a healer puts her at odds with the town priest when she saves a boy’s life, and deepens the suspicions against her. Hearing a folk-tale, Claire realizes that she may be able to travel back through the stones to Frank.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Claire imagines revealing her secret to Mrs. Fitz.
2. Claire teases Jamie at the dinner table about seeing him with Leoghaire in the corridor. When Jamie leaves, Murtagh reprimands her for being so vocal about what she saw.
3. Claire and Jamie successfully distract the spectators at the pillory in order to free the Tanner boy.
Claire tries to help Leoghaire be noticed by Jamie, who is completely oblivious to the situation.
Memorable quotes:
“Mrs. Fitz, I seem to have fallen through time.”
-Claire to Mrs. Fitz
“What are you two drunkards still taking up space in my kitchen? If you’re not working here, be gone with ye.”
“We’re just following orders, keeping an eye on this one.”
“Oh, and she has been hiding at the bottom of your mug for the past two hours.”
-Mrs. Fitz and Rupert
“Do you sew as all as physick, Mistress Beauchamp?”
“Only flesh, which makes a rather poor garment, I’m afraid.”
-Colum and Claire
“Don’t tell me my arse offends you too.”
-Colum to Claire
“Your lip looks a little swollen, Jamie. Did you get thumped by a horse?”
-Claire to Jamie
“But I am also a Highlander, born and bred, and I donna believe in tempting fate by making light of Old Nick in his very own kirkyard.”
-Jamie to Claire
Episode 104: “The Gathering”
Written by Matthew B. Roberts
Directed by Brian Kelly
Original air date: August 30, 2014
Synopsis: The Gathering shows Claire’s attempts at her first real planned escape. The run ins she has with various characters on the way including a major run in with Dougal and yet another moment with Jamie alone building their relationship. Also an Oath taking ceremony that could have awful results if not handled properly.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Claire plying Angus with laced port.
2. Claire and Dougal comfort Geordie, who was fatally injured during the boar hunt.
3. Dougal joins the game of Shinty with Jamie, Murtagh, Angus, and the other clansmen.
Memorable quotes:
“Something catch your eye there, lassie?”
“Yes, something I’m not likely to forget in a hurry.”
-Angus and Claire
“I realize I’m a captive audience of sorts, but I’d rather not be subjected to another one of your inane debates.”
-Claire to Angus and Rupert
“Sometimes ye find yerself on a path you never expected. Doesn’t mean it can’t lead you to a bonny place.
-Geillis to Claire
“I canna seem to keep my legs.”
“It’s a sedative.”
“Is that Spanish?”
-Angus and Claire
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.”
“No, Sassenach. Just me.”
-Claire and Jamie
“Ye’ve done a fine job here as healer. Mrs. Fitz would have ye sit for a portrait if it was up to her.”
-Dougal to Claire
Episode 105: “Rent”
Written by Toni Graphia
Directed by Brian Kelly
Original air date: September 6, 2014
Synopsis: Claire goes on the road with Dougal as he collects rents from the tenants. She meets the clans solicitor who is riding with them. She also becomes aware of Dougal’s involvement in trying to raise money for the Jacobite rebellion.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Claire waulks wool with the women in the village.
2. Claire trips over Jamie and discovers he is guarding her room.
3. The MacKenzies get into a brawl with men who insulted Claire.
Dougal tells the story of Old Granny Mary.
The men sing on the road.
Memorable quotes:
“But I have given explicit instructions this year that we will not accept live pigs.”
-Ned Gowan to Claire
“That’s two fat pigs and a fine goat.”
“I thought you said no pigs.”
“Aye, I did, didn’t I?”
-Ned Gowan and Claire
“Ye’ve been drinking, and ye smell like piss.”
“Well, that’s the pot calling the kettle black.”
-Angus and Claire
“I must say, you got a good head on your shoulders and a tongue for argument as well. You’d make a fine advocate, yourself. It’s a pity they don’t allow women to practice law.”
“Not yet.”
“It’ll be a few centuries before that happens.”
“Only two.”
-Ned Gowan and Claire
“Angus can kiss my English arse.”
“Aye, he’s a clarty bastard, but those are fighting words.”
-Claire and Jamie
“It doesn’t matter where you come from. You’re here.
“So I’m just to stand by and watch?”
“You’re not to judge things you don’t understand.”
-Jamie and Claire
“Outmanned we may be, but I would match our fighting hearts against the best army in the world.”
-Ned Gowan
“You’re such crybabies. I’ve tended to six-year-olds braver than you lot.”
“You’re a guest of the MacKenzie. We can insult you, but God help any other man that does.”
-Murtagh to Claire
“I believe your left hand gets jealous of your right. That’s about all I believe.”
-Claire to Rupert
Episode 106: “The Garrison Commander”
Written by Ira Steven Behr
Directed by Brian Kelly
Original air date: September 13, 2014
Synopsis: Claire and Dougal are questioned at the local garrison, and Dougal is treated with hostility and disdain by the British occupiers. Claire lets down her guard, but her headstrong opinions get her into trouble again, and she discovers the true nature of Black Jack Randall when left alone with him.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Captain Randall questions Claire and recounts his dealings with Jamie at Fort William.
2. Dougal confronts Claire at St. Ninian’s Spring and reveals his plan to keep her away from Captain Randall.
3. Claire and Jamie discuss their impending marriage.
Memorable Quotes:
“If ye wish to hear Londoners speak, perhaps ye should have stayed in London.”
-Dougal to Lord Thomas
“My word, madam. If I were brave enough, I would commission you a colonel in one of my regiments. You do know how to order men about.”
“Aye, she does that.”
-Lord Thomas and Dougal
“By all means, we must protect the claret.”
-Captain Randall
“The Scots just want the same freedoms we enjoy. Freedoms we take for granted. They are not the aggressors, Captain, we are. It is their land, and we are occupying it.”
-Claire to Captain Randall
“You’re shaking. Are you scared?”
“I’m just afraid I’ll freeze stiff before ye’re done talking.”
-Captain Randall and Jamie
“Blind fools. I think all they could see was the horror. I could see the beauty. I saw the truth. That boy and I, we were creating a masterpiece. An exquisite, bloody masterpiece. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
-Captain Randall
“I dwell in darkness, madam, and darkness is where I belong.”
-Captain Randall to Claire
“Well I must admit the idea of grinding your corn does tickle me, but it’s not myself I’d be nominating for the position.”
-Dougal to Claire
“Well, doesn’t it bother you that I’m not a virgin?”
“Well, no. So long as it doesna bother you that I am. I reckon one of us should ken what they’re doing.”
-Claire and Jamie
Episode 107: “The Wedding”
Written by Anne Kenney
Directed by Anna Foerster
Original air date: September 20, 2014
Synopsis: Marriage to a Scot seems to be the only legal wayout to save Claire from falling into the paws of Black Jack Randall. And Jamie accepts to become her husband and protect her. Claire is overwhelmed by circumstances that are forcing her into becoming an adulteress and a bigamist. The hasty marriage takes place and, in order to be legal, it must be consummated that night.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Frank and Claire decide to elope on their way to meet his parent.
2. Montage of Jamie and Claire talking about their families and getting to know each other.
3. Jamie and Murtagh talk in the stables after procuring Jamie’s wedding clothes.
Jamie verus the corset laces.
Memorable Quotes:
“Should be grateful they didn’t want to watch.”
“Only Rupert and Angus. A wee joke.”
“You’re a regular Bob Hope.”
“Was he a funny man?”
“I always thought so.”
-Claire and Jamie
“To a lady of grace, a woman of strength, and a bride of astonishing beauty. My wife Claire Fraser.”
-Jamie to Claire
“Perhaps we should go to bed?”
“To bed or to sleep?”
-Claire and Jamie
“Where did you learn to kiss like that?”
“I said I was a virgin, not a monk.”
-Claire and Jamie
“I dindna realize you did it face-to-face. I thought you must do it the back way, you know, like horses, ye ken.”
-Jamie to Claire
“It cost nothing but time and conversation. The clothes belonged to the husband of a Fraser widow about five miles from here. Died about ten years ago. I wager she talked the poor bugger into an early grave.”
-Murtagh to Jamie
“I plan to be wed but one time, Murtagh. So I’ll do so in a way that would make my mother proud.”
-Jamie to Murtagh
“Your mother had the sweetest smile. Would warm a man to the backbone just to see it. Claire’s smile is just as sweet.”
-Murtagh to Jamie
“I remember every moment. Every second. I’ll never forget when I came out of the church and saw you for the first time. It was as if I stepped outside on a cloudy day and suddenly the sun came out.”
-Jamie to Claire
Episode 108: “Both Sides Now”
Written by Ronald D. Moore
Directed by Anna Foerster
Original air date: September 27, 2014
Synopsis: In 1945, Frank is still seeking for Claire, but is starting to lose hope of ever finding her. Meanwhile in 1743, Claire is trying to come to terms with her marriage to Jamie. While traveling a life changing opportunity arises.
Read the full recap and review here.

1. Claire and Jamie meet Hugh Munro, who comes bearing a wedding gift and news that may help Jamie.
2. Angus teaches Claire how to use a Sgian Dubh (hidden dagger).
3. Claire and Frank make their way to Craigh na Dun, in 1743 and 1945 respectively, in the hopes of finding one another.
Memorable Quotes:
“Is it usual, what it is between us when I touch you, when you lie with me? Is it always so between a man and a woman?”
“It’s often something like this. No, this isn;t usual. It’s different.”
-Jamie to Claire
“Be Yuletide by the time we back to Leoch.”
“Christmas. I don’t suppose you hang stockings by the fire.”
“To dry them off, you mean?”
-Jamie to Claire
“It’s too long and heavy for me.”
“Lasses say that to me all the time.”
-Claire and Rupert
“I still say the only good weapon for a woman is poison.”
“Perhaps, but it has certain deficiencies in combat.”
-Murtagh and Dougal
“I was back to the place where it had all begun. So much had happened. So much had changed. Last I was here, I was Claire Randall, then Claire Beauchamp, then Claire Fraser. The question was, who did I want to be?”
“What kind of gentleman keeps a rope at his desk?”
“A prepared on, madam.”
-Claire and Captain Randall
“I’ll thank ye to take your hands off my wife.”
-Jamie to Captain Randall
The Best of Outlander
Outlander TV News’ picks of the top three episodes from the first half of season one.
Johanna’s Picks:
1. “The Wedding”
2. “Sassenach”
3. “The Gathering”
Sarah’s Picks:
1. “Sassenach”
2. “The Way Out”
3. “The Garrison Commander”
Stephanie’s Picks:
1. “Rent”
2. “The Wedding”
3. “The Way Out”
“Sassenach” Count
How many times was “Sassenach” said by Jamie and others during the first eight episodes?
Jamie: 10
Other: 10
Total: 20
How many times did Claire say “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ” in the first eight episodes?
Total: 4
“My Favorite Things” (Outlander Style)
And finally, to celebrate the return of Outlander, sing the lyrics below to the tune of “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music.
Raindrops on tartans
And whiskers on Dougal
Angus has knife skills
And Rupert’s innuendoes
Jamie’s a virgin?!?! Bow chicka wow wow!
Outlander’s back! Hip hip hip hip hooray!Claire misses Frank
And he is so lonely
Murtagh’s just awesome
And Black Jack’s plain creepy
Now it is time to send Laoghaire away!
Outlander’s back! Hip hip hip hip hooray!When the whip cracks
When the kilt drops
When Claire can’t decide
I simply remember Jamie’s bright smile
And then I rejoice! It’s baaaaaack!
Hope you enjoyed out recap of the first half of season one. Remember to comment below with your favorite episodes and scenes from the first eight episodes. Outlander returns Saturday, April 4th at 9pm on Starz.