It seems like it was just New Year’s, but the calendar industry is already preparing the 2019 versions. These preparations include the 2019 Outlander calendars, which will again have four versions for fans to choose from. There were no season three images used in the 2018 calendars because the season premiered too late to be included. The 2019 calendars will have season three images, but there more than likely will not be any season four images used for 2019, again, because of the fall premiere. The calendars are already available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
2019 Outlander 16-Month Wall Calendar – releases June 22, 2018, available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

2019 Outlander Boxed Daily Calendar – releases August 15, 2018, available for pre-order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

2019 Outlander Mini Calendar – releases August 15, 2018, available for pre-order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble, Amazon and B & N have conflicting images for the cover.

2019 Outlander 18-Month Weekly Planner: by Sellers Publishing – releases June 22, 2018, available for pre-order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Source: Amazon and Barnes & Noble