The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 705, “Singapore”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Jamie singlehandedly saves America – sort of. Episode 705: “Singapore” Written by Taylor … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 704, “A Most Uncomfortable Woman”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Jamie and Claire Go on a Patriotic Side Quest Episode 704: “A Most … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 703, “Death Be Not Proud ”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Jamie and Claire Call Pest Control Episode 703: “Death Be Not Proud” Written … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 702, “The Happiest Place on Earth ”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Whoever came up with the title of this episode had a dark sense … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 701, “A Life Well Lost ” (Season Premiere)

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** With Apologies to Tom Christie No, seriously  Episode 701: “A Life Well Lost” … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 608, “I Am Not Alone” (Season Finale)

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Everything is Pain, Part II Episode 608: “I Am Not Alone” Written by … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 607, “Sticks and Stones”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Everything is Pain. Episode 607: “Sticks and Stones” Written by Danielle Berrow, Directed … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 606, “The World Turned Upside Down”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Give Caitriona Balfe an Emmy ASAP Episode 606: “The World Turned Upside Down” … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 605, “Give Me Liberty”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** That One Where A Scotsman Made Me Burst Into a Star-Spangled Banner of … Continue reading