It is a truth universally acknowledged that first meetings are a daunting endeavor, but it would seem the cast of Outlander did very well on this front. In a new video from Access Hollywood, the cast, Diana Gabaldon, and Ronald … Continue reading

It is a truth universally acknowledged that first meetings are a daunting endeavor, but it would seem the cast of Outlander did very well on this front. In a new video from Access Hollywood, the cast, Diana Gabaldon, and Ronald … Continue reading
The latest official photo from Outlander features Gary Lewis as Colum MacKenzie, Jamie’s uncle and Laird of Castle Leoch. Source: Outlander FB
Access Hollywood posed the question “what is it about a man in a kilt?” to the cast of Outlander and few of them had some rather colorful responses, while the whole kilt thing is lost on Tobias Menzies. The cast, … Continue reading
It was Outlander day at Comic-Con, complete with a panel, signing, and the world premiere later tonight. For those not in attendance, Starz had debuted a brand new trailer online. Old footage mingles with new in the latest trailer, which … Continue reading
Ten new character portraits have been released, featuring everyone from Claire and Jamie to Mrs. Fitz and Murtagh. Claire Randall (Caitriona Balfe) Jamie Fraser (Sam Heugan) Black Jack Randall (Tobias Menzies) Frank Randall (Tobias Menzies) Colum MacKenzie (Gary Lewis) Dougal … Continue reading
Here is a nice, short video from Access Hollywood that asks the cast (Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Tobias Menzies, Lotte Verbeek, Gary Lewis, and Graham McTavish), Ron Moore, and Diana Gabaldon what they think the sexiest Gaelic word is. I … Continue reading
SoHo, the Austrailian channel that is showing Outlander, has given us a second trailer, and what a trailer it is. There is tons of new footage in this trailer. They decided to not take an already-released trailer, but made their … Continue reading
POPSUGAR recently spent time on the set of Outlander to discuss the series with Ron Moore, Diana Gabaldon, and the cast, including Caitriona Balfe (Claire) and Sam Heughan (Jamie). The topics of discussion range from the series’ ability to cross … Continue reading
Raise your voice and fist pump the air as you learn this week’s “Speak Outlander” phrase. Gaelic expert Àdhamh Ó Broin, along with Gary Lewis (Colum MacKenzie) and Graham McTavish (Dougal MacKenzie), share the correct pronunciation of Tuluch Ard, battle … Continue reading
Here is a new video from Access Hollywood that asks members of the cast of Outlander (Sam Heughan, Caitriona Balfe, Tobias Menzies, Gary Lewis, Lotte Verbeek, and Graham McTavish), executive producer/writer Ron Moore, and author Diana Gabaldon to describe Outlander … Continue reading