The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Episode 305 Review, “Freedom & Whisky”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This is also a review from a non-reader and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Fuck Fate Episode 305, “Freedom & Whisky” Written by Toni Graphia, Directed … Continue reading

‘Outlander’ Recap/Review: Episode 305, “Freedom & Whisky”

[This is not a spoiler-free review of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 305:  Freedom & Whisky Written by Toni Graphia, Directed by Brendan Maher This recap/review is … Continue reading

Go Behind the Scenes with Ronald D. Moore, Toni Graphia, and Matthew B. Roberts in Episode 304 (Video)

Executive producer/showrunner Ronald D. Moore and writers/executive producer Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts take us behind the scenes of Outlander episode 304, “Of Lost Things”  Ron, Matt, and Toni discuss the title, using the same location for season two and three, the logistics … Continue reading