It has been a while since the last BTS post, May to be exact. The behind the scenes photos and other things are from September 23, 2014 until today. This is a long post… Below are all of the Starz’s Outlander … Continue reading

It has been a while since the last BTS post, May to be exact. The behind the scenes photos and other things are from September 23, 2014 until today. This is a long post… Below are all of the Starz’s Outlander … Continue reading
[This is not a spoiler-free review/recap of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 105, “Rent,” Written by Toni Graphia, Directed by Brian Kelly Recap: The episode begins with … Continue reading
[This is not a spoiler-free review/recap of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 103, “The Way Out,” Written by Anne Kenney, Directed by Brian Kelly Recap: The episode … Continue reading
Update: I thought I had the correct image for Brian Kelly, but apparently I chose wrong on Google Image. We received an official image of Brian Kelly today, and it just happens to be of him directing an episode of … Continue reading
This BTS post will wrap up Diana’s trip to Scotland. We had a couple of very awesome photos posted to Outlander’s Instagram. They are both of Diana touring the production studios. Her face while Ron and Maril are touring her … Continue reading
Diana Gabaldon posted on compuserv on November 15th that Brian Kelly is directing the second two episodes in the ‘Outlander’ tv adaptation. IMDB has a profile for a director named Brian Kelly, and if it is the same man, then … Continue reading