From the very beginning of the production of Outlander, the production crew has taken costume design very seriously, as they have every part of this epic show. This is a challenge, as the show spans both time and culture, from … Continue reading

From the very beginning of the production of Outlander, the production crew has taken costume design very seriously, as they have every part of this epic show. This is a challenge, as the show spans both time and culture, from … Continue reading
Executive producer Maril Davis and writer/executive producer Matthew B. Roberts discuss Outlander episode 406, “Blood of My Blod,” in this behind the scenes video. Maril and Matt discuss the title’s meaning, the relationship between Claire and Lord John, the relationship between Jamie … Continue reading
Outlander executive producer Maril Davis did an in-depth interview with Glamour about the major book changes in adapted television series and why they happened. The article highlighted seven changes from the book; they are as follows (to read more about … Continue reading
Executive producer Maril Davis and writer/executive producer Matthew B. Roberts discuss Outlander episode 405, “Savages,” in this behind the scenes video. Maril and Matt discuss the title’s meaning, the downfall of Herr Mueller, Murtagh/Duncan Lacroix, and how to introduce future conflict between … Continue reading
Executive producer Maril Davis and writer/executive producer Matthew B. Roberts discuss Outlander episode 404, “Common Ground,” in this behind the scenes video. Maril and Matt discuss the title’s meaning, meeting the Cherokees for the first time and casting for their characters, the … Continue reading
Outlander executive producer Maril Davis live-tweeted about episode 403, “The False Bride,” during its west-coast airing on Starz. Below are her tweets about the episode. Sorry! Late to tweeting! When you see Roger and Bree getting their picture drawn, some … Continue reading
Executive producer Maril Davis and writers/executive producer Matthew B. Roberts discuss Outlander episode 403, “The False Bride,” in this behind the scenes video. Maril and Matt discuss the title, Richard’s singing, the Scottish Festival, and what home is. Source: Starz
Executive producer Maril Davis and writers/executive producer Matthew B. Roberts discuss Outlander episode 402, “Do No Harm,” in this behind the scenes video. Maril and Matt discuss slavery, Claire’s dilemma, and River Run Below the video are screencaps of the … Continue reading
This is the first interview round-up of the season. Below are excerpts or videos from new interviews with Toni Graphia, Sam Heughan, Caitriona Balfe, Ed Speleers, and Ronald D. Moore. Be sure to click on the links to read the … Continue reading
Executive producer Maril Davis jumped on Twitter and live-tweeted the west coast airing of Outlander on Starz. While she can be seen in the behind the scenes video for episode 401, “America the Beautiful,” she gave more details on certain … Continue reading