This week’s behind the scenes post begins, as always, with the photos shared by Outlander on Instagram. There are two new photos since last week. One focuses on Caitriona Balfe filming a close up, and the last is of Caitriona … Continue reading

This week’s behind the scenes post begins, as always, with the photos shared by Outlander on Instagram. There are two new photos since last week. One focuses on Caitriona Balfe filming a close up, and the last is of Caitriona … Continue reading
Elle Magazine conducted an in-depth interview with “The Wedding” episode writer Anne Kenney. Below are excerpts, but a read of the whole interview is a must. This is pretty much the most detail we have heard about that episode from … Continue reading
Outlander on Instagram has shared three behind the scenes photos since our last BTS post. All three feature Caitriona Balfe and one features Tobias Menzies. The holiday that never ends. #OutlanderSeries #STARZ #BehindTheScenes #BTS A photo posted by Outlander (@outlander_starz) … Continue reading
*Spoiler Alert: Some of the titles will spoil what an episode is about.* IMDb posted the titles, directors, and script writers for episodes 109 through 111 of Outlander. Ep 109: The Reckoning, Director Richard Clark, Writer Matt Roberts Ep 110: … Continue reading
This is the first BTS post of 2015! Outlander on Instagram has shared two behind the scenes photos since our last post. The first is from that awkward first dinner Claire had at Castle Leoch. Caitriona Balfe, Graham McTavish, Gary … Continue reading
This week’s behind the scenes post is delayed by a couple of days due to the holiday. I hope all of you had a great holiday(s). First up are the behind the scenes photos from Outlander Starz on Instagram. Caitriona … Continue reading
This past week in Outlander behind the scenes goodies . . . Outlander on Instagram shared three new photos featuring Tobias Menzies, Caitriona Balfe, and Simon Meacock “Hugh Munro.” A wee bit of #OutlanderSeries insight: Hugh Munro’s costume was one … Continue reading
Here is what has happened in the last week in behind the scenes action of Outlander. Below are the Instagram behind the scenes photos from Outlander on Starz. Both photos are of Graham McTavish (Dougal MacKenzie) on set. Shinty MVPs … Continue reading
The BTS posts took a week off for the Thanksgiving holiday, so this post includes two weeks worth of BTS goodies for the Outlander fans. Outlander on Instagram shared three new behind the scenes photos from the filming of season … Continue reading
I seem to have landed on a once a week update on BTS and other things! Let’s see how long it lasts, probably until Outlander starts back up in April. First up is Outlander on Instagram. Two new photos have … Continue reading