In March, Starz took the first step in promoting Outlander season three for Emmy consideration with a panel comprised of the cast and crew. There was no screening, and this was only for members of the Television Academy to attend. … Continue reading

In March, Starz took the first step in promoting Outlander season three for Emmy consideration with a panel comprised of the cast and crew. There was no screening, and this was only for members of the Television Academy to attend. … Continue reading
**Spoiler Alert: If you have not read Drums of Autumn, it is best to skip this post!*** Outlander and all of those books in the series don’t always focus on the happy things that happen in life. If you have … Continue reading
At today’s For Your Consideration Outlander panel, showrunner Ronald D. Moore made the news of season five pretty much official . . . unofficially. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly at the event, here is what he said: “… Ronald D. Moore said while … Continue reading
In a separate video from the usual behind the scenes video provided after the episode, Sony interviewed executive producers and writers Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts about the season three finale. In this video, they describe the prologue at … Continue reading
Executive producers and writers Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts explain how the writers and producers strive to show the love story in Outlander. Thanks, Toni and Matt for keeping the quiet moments. #Outlander executive producers @themattbroberts & @outlanderwriter talk … Continue reading
The Outlander writers answered questions about episode 313 on Tuesday, December 12th. It was not stated who took control of the Twitter account and answered questions this week, but Toni Graphia would be a good guess. Below are the answers provided to … Continue reading
The Outlander writers answered questions about episode 312 on Tuesday, December 5th. Toni Graphia and Luke Schelhaas took control of the Twitter account and answered questions this week. Below are the answers provided to fans this time around. We spent a … Continue reading
Executive producer/showrunner Ronald D. Moore and writers/executive producer Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts discuss Outlander episode 313, “Eye of the Storm.” Ron, Matt, and Toni discuss the prologue and how it mirrors episode 301, Sam and Caitriona getting wet and wild to film scenes … Continue reading
**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This is also a review from a non-reader and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Hurricane Geillis Strikes Again Episode 313: Eye of the Storm Written … Continue reading
[This is not a spoiler-free review of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 313: Eye of the Storm Written by Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts, Directed … Continue reading