The second season of Outlander just ended on Saturday, but we know you are already itching to get your own copy of the show. Pre-orders are already being taken on Amazon for the DVD, Blu-ray, and Collector’s Edition Blu-ray for … Continue reading

The second season of Outlander just ended on Saturday, but we know you are already itching to get your own copy of the show. Pre-orders are already being taken on Amazon for the DVD, Blu-ray, and Collector’s Edition Blu-ray for … Continue reading
[Spoiler Alert: If you have not seen the finale yet, please come back to this post after you do.] There have been a few comments from fans about a particular part of Jamie and Claire’s goodbye scene in the book … Continue reading
Since this weekend had the last episode of Outlander for the season, that made today the last OutlanderLIVE on EW Radio. Lynette Rice and Amy Wilkinson chatted with Diana Gabaldon herself. Not only did they discuss this weeks episode, … Continue reading
Whew! After an emotional 90 minuted finale, we have our last round-up for season two, which includes interviews with Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Graham McTavish, and Ron Moore. As always, beware of spoilers for the current episode and events in … Continue reading
Executive producer Ronald D. Moore and writers/producers Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts take us behind the scenes of Outlander episode 213, “Dragonfly in Amber.” Ron, Matt, and Toni discuss the change in the order of the bookends of Diana Gabaldon’s novel, … Continue reading
It was the “big one” the 90 minute Outlander season 2 finale. It was also a big Twitter night, not only did #OutlanderFinale trend, but Sam Heughan, Caitrionia Balfe, Diana Gabaldon, Bear McCreary, Maril Davis, and a few more cast/crew … Continue reading
[This is not a spoiler-free review/recap of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 213, “Dragonfly in Amber” Written by Matthew B. Roberts and Toni Graphia, Directed by Philip John … Continue reading
Are you ready for the finale tonight? Are you prepared for Droughtlander 3.0? Before you settle in with your scotch and tissues, enjoy this recent Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) interview with Outlander Showrunner Ronald D. Moore. In it, he … Continue reading
Outlander fans will finally see Roger Wakefield in the flesh come tomorrow (or tonight) when Richard Rankin steps into the central role. Entertainment Weekly interviewed him pre-finale about his role. Below are excerpts, but head over to EW to read … Continue reading
The A.V. Club has a new interview with Outlander‘s costume designer Terry Dresbach. Below are some excerpts, but head over to the A.V. Club to read this all encompassing interview with Terry. The A.V. Club: How did you get into … Continue reading