This is something I have been waiting for some time to happen. Outlander graces the cover of the new Entertainment Weekly magazine. That’s right, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, we get a cover too! Sam Heughan and Caitriona … Continue reading

This is something I have been waiting for some time to happen. Outlander graces the cover of the new Entertainment Weekly magazine. That’s right, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, we get a cover too! Sam Heughan and Caitriona … Continue reading
The Oscars may be airing this weekend, but this evening is all about the Saturn Award nominations. The nominations for the 42nd Saturn Awards, which honor genre films and television series, were announced earlier today and Outlander has made a … Continue reading
Does anyone remember when Outlander Community first debuted? We were all jazzed to see everyone’s Twitter and Instagram posts pop up on the main page. There were also quizzes and other special features time to time. We were lucky to … Continue reading
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall Fraser (Caitriona Balfe) Does anyone need a dose of smelling salts? Help up off the floor? Starz released a plethora of new ‘Outlander’ portraits that are absolutely jaw-dropping. Seen here, our favorite cast of familiar … Continue reading
It’s time for another installment of “Sam and Caitriona Answer Your Questions!” In this edition, Sam Heughan (Jamie) and Caitriona Balfe (Claire) answer Twitter questions from fans like who would make the stronger Survivor contestant, and who does the better impression … Continue reading
Penny for your thoughts? Starz released a new photo of Murtagh (Duncan Lacroix) and Jamie (Sam Heughan). Jamie is reading a letter, and perhaps Murtagh is explaining it to him . . . or telling him to read faster. Source: … Continue reading
Today the first two episodes of Outlander Season 2 were released. Episode 2.01 of Outlander is titled “Through a Glass, Darkly“, and Episode 2.02 is titled “Not in Scotland Anymore” Source: SpoilerTV
According to, new official ‘Outlander’ merchandise will soon be available via Dark Horse Deluxe. Licensed through Sony Pictures Television, the product line is designed to make consumers “feel like they are part of the story,” says Dark Horse Senior Product Development … Continue reading
Rosie Day joined the second season of Outlander last year as character Mary Hawkins. Not much has come out about her character for non-readers, but she has been seen in some of the official photos and trailers. New Look interviewed Rosie on … Continue reading
Outlander came out triumphant at the Women’s Image Network (WIN) Awards held on February 10, 2016. Caitriona Balfe took home the award for Outstanding Actress Drama Series, Outlander won Outstanding Drama Series, and writer/producer Toni Graphia won for Outstanding Show … Continue reading