Diana Gabaldon ranks as #14 in The Hollywood Reporter‘s Hollywood’s 25 Most Powerful Authors list. I believe that this is the first year she has been on the list. This is undoubtedly due to the success of Outlander as a … Continue reading

Diana Gabaldon ranks as #14 in The Hollywood Reporter‘s Hollywood’s 25 Most Powerful Authors list. I believe that this is the first year she has been on the list. This is undoubtedly due to the success of Outlander as a … Continue reading
I have been waiting for this to happen for a while. Finally there is an Outlander ad in The Hollywood Reporter. Since Outlander started I have been skimming through the issues, looking for any sort of Outlander mention. This week, … Continue reading
Last night, Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe attended a Golden Globe party that announced Miss Golden Globe 2015. While there, they spoke to PopSugar about the series. Here are some excerpts, but please read the whole post. Caitriona: “Any changes involved … Continue reading
***If you have not read Dragonfly in Amber (Book 2) and do not want to be spoiled, do not read this post. You have been warned.*** (Check out your top three picks!) To fill the news void on the Outlander … Continue reading
I seem to have landed on a once a week update on BTS and other things! Let’s see how long it lasts, probably until Outlander starts back up in April. First up is Outlander on Instagram. Two new photos have … Continue reading
Laura Donnelly continues to do press for her play, The River, which is on Broadway in NYC right now. She did an interview for Interview Magazine in which she also discussed her part as Jenny Fraser in Outlander. … Continue reading
With so many “sexy” men in the Outlander cast, at least one of them was bound to be in People Magazine‘s Sexiest Man Alive issue, right? It looks like Sam Heughan is the only one to appear in the issue … Continue reading
Diana Gabaldon shared the new cover for the Portuguese (Brazilian) edition of Dragonfly in Amber, plus it is a new photo or manipulation of Sam Heughan that we have not seen before. Source: Diana Gabaldon
According to Sam Heughan, the cast is headed back to begin filming Season 2 of Outlander in February 2015. That means we only have a couple of months until some new cast will be joining in on the fun. Thanks … Continue reading
Here is your behind the scenes post to catch you up with what has happened in the past week in the world of Outlander. Outlander on Instagram shared a couple new behind the scenes photos. It’s #FrankBackFriday. #OutlanderSeries #BehindtheScenes #BTS A … Continue reading