Cheers to the kind of love that spans time and space. (Deep, huh!) Starz released this new official photo of Team Fraser (Sam Heughan as Jamie on the left and Caitriona Balfe as Claire on the right) just in time for … Continue reading

Cheers to the kind of love that spans time and space. (Deep, huh!) Starz released this new official photo of Team Fraser (Sam Heughan as Jamie on the left and Caitriona Balfe as Claire on the right) just in time for … Continue reading
Sophie Skelton (Brianna Randall or “Bree”) and Richard Rankin (Roger Wakefield) spent some time at the Wardlaw Mausoleum in Kirkhill, Inverness recently, preparing for their roles in Season Two of Outlander. They make a fine team. Bree and Roger brushing … Continue reading
Starz just released yet another season two official photo of Claire (Caitriona Balfe) doing what she does best, handling the situation. “Stand back, Outlanders! We’ll release the Season Two premiere date soon!” (Or at least that’s what she’s saying in … Continue reading
Finally! Richard Rankin will play adult Roger Wakefield in Outlander Season Two. You may recall his character melting hearts in Episode 108 Both Sides Now, as the adorable young ward of the Reverend Wakefield who successfully negotiates himself “another biscuit.” [SPOILER ALERT: Don’t … Continue reading
**Spoiler Alert: If you do not wish to know anything about new characters in the second season of Outlander, please skip reading this post!** Lord John Grey, he is a major character in the novels of Outlander (even with his … Continue reading
**Do NOT read this post if you have not read Dragonfly in Amber and/or have no interest in season two character introductions.** Sorry, still not Brianna or Roger. But it is Brianna’s great grandfather. Starz just announced via Facebook that Clive … Continue reading
Outlander has gained an addition to its season two writers. Fans thought we would have all the same writers as season one, with the addition of Diana Gabaldon, but former actor and Outlander writers’ assistant Richard Kahan announced today that … Continue reading
While no episode list with directors has been officially released yet, there have been clues (or just blatant photos) on social media that have revealed a few of them. We know Anna Foerster will not be returning as a director … Continue reading
We have our first look at the recreation of late 1700’s Paris, France for season two of Outlander in this photo courtesy of Starz. Starz has tweeted that they will continue to post new shots each week, so keep your … Continue reading
Today Maril Davis (Executive Producer) and special guest Matt B Roberts (Producer and Writer) of Outlander took to Twitter to answer fans questions about season 2 filming, who they will miss the most in upcoming seasons, if we need to … Continue reading