The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 710, “Brotherly Love”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** No, he’s not dead, stop lying Episode 710: “Brotherly Love” Written by Luke … Continue reading

‘Outlander’ Recap/Review: Episode 710, “Brotherly Love”

[This is not a spoiler-free review of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 710: “Brotherly Love” Written by Luke Schelhaas, Directed by Stewart Svaasand Life continues after Claire … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 709, “Unfinished Business”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Jamie discovers closure is a gift you give yourself Episode 709: “Unfinished Business” … Continue reading

‘Outlander’ Recap/Review: Episode 708, “Turning Points” (Mid-season Finale)

[This is not a spoiler-free review of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 708: “Turning Points” Written by Luke Schelhaas, Directed by Joss Agnew Ah, Starz.  Once again, … Continue reading

‘Outlander’ Recap/Review: Episode 707, “A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers”

[This is not a spoiler-free review of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 707: “A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers” Written by Margot Ye, Directed by Joss Agnew Things … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 706 and 707, “Where the Waters Meet” and “A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** What is happening, though?  Episode 706 and 707: “Where The Waters Meet” and … Continue reading

‘Outlander’ Recap/Review: Episode 706, “Where the Waters Meet”

[This is not a spoiler-free review of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 706: “Where the Waters Meet” Written by Sarah H. Haught, Directed by Tracey Deer Outlander’s … Continue reading

‘Outlander’ Recap/Review: Episode 705, “Singapore”

[This is not a spoiler-free review of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 705: “Singapore” Written by Taylor Mallory, Directed by Tracey Deer “Singapore”—the weirdest title in all … Continue reading

The Show-only Sassenach: ‘Outlander’ Review: Episode 705, “Singapore”

**This is not a spoiler-free review of this episode. This review is also from a non-reader, and any comments revealing spoilers from the books will be deleted.** Jamie singlehandedly saves America – sort of. Episode 705: “Singapore” Written by Taylor … Continue reading