New Creation Entertainment ‘Outlander’ Convention in Las Vegas, July 2018

*Update* As of Friday, May 18, 2018, Sam Heughan has canceled his appearance at the LV Outlander Convention. With the press release that Creation Entertainment would be the “official” convention for Outlander came the announcement that there would be another convention … Continue reading

Creation Entertainment Wades Into the ‘Outlander’ Convention Business

Creation Entertainment is known for hosting conventions for Twilight, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Once Upon a Time, and more.  Yesterday, they announced they are beginning to host conventions focused on Outlander.  Their first Outlander convention is called “Salute to Outlander” … Continue reading

Post Episode 313 “Eye of the Storm” Interview Round-Up

It’s time for the final interview round-up for season three! Below are excerpts from new interviews with Caitronia Balfe, Sam Heughan, Lotte Verbeek, executive producers Maril Davis and Ronald D. Moore, and composer Bear McCreary. Be sure to click on … Continue reading