Deep breaths…. I expected coverage for the 90 minute season two finale to ramp up soon, but it looks like today it begins. TV Guide magazine has a two-page spread that focuses on the season two finale. There is … Continue reading

Deep breaths…. I expected coverage for the 90 minute season two finale to ramp up soon, but it looks like today it begins. TV Guide magazine has a two-page spread that focuses on the season two finale. There is … Continue reading
News came today that an additional episode has been added to the second season of Outlander. There will now be 14 episodes, instead of 13. The additional episode was added due to delving into the the histories of Roger MacKenzie … Continue reading
Are we over the shock of Outlander having a major feature and cover in Entertainment Weekly yet? Well, hold on to your haggis because here is what the inside of the magazine has to offer. The title of the … Continue reading
***Spoiler Alert: If you have not read Dragonfly in Amber or you just don’t want to be spoiled about this period of the show, it is best to skip this post!*** The second season of Outlander filmed today in Falkland, … Continue reading
Sophie Skelton (Brianna Randall) and Richard Rankin (Roger Wakefield) are at it again, via Twitter. Skelton posted this pic on Valentine’s Day (aka Galentine’s Day) of the two chumming it up. According to an update from Outlander Writer and Co-executive Producer … Continue reading
Sophie Skelton (Brianna Randall or “Bree”) and Richard Rankin (Roger Wakefield) spent some time at the Wardlaw Mausoleum in Kirkhill, Inverness recently, preparing for their roles in Season Two of Outlander. They make a fine team. Bree and Roger brushing … Continue reading
Brianna Watch is officially over, Outlander fans. It was announced today that Sophie Skelton will play Brianna Randall in the second season of Outlander. Her character will not show up until the end of the season. The press release makes … Continue reading