The latest photos from Outlander on Instagram offer up three varied looks behind the scenes, including Gaelic tutor Àdhamh Ó Broin, Claire (Caitriona Balfe) heading for the stables, and Tobias Menzies posing with Frank’s car.

The latest photos from Outlander on Instagram offer up three varied looks behind the scenes, including Gaelic tutor Àdhamh Ó Broin, Claire (Caitriona Balfe) heading for the stables, and Tobias Menzies posing with Frank’s car.
Below are some new official photos that popped up a few days ago. These are not entirely new since some of these were in the EW issue, but here they are in their full glory. The photo of Jamie (Sam … Continue reading
THIS JUST IN! The world premiere of Outlander will be at San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) on Friday, July 25, 2014 at the Sprekels Theater. Cast in attendance include Sam Heughan, Caitriona Balfe, Tobias Menzies, Graham McTavish, and Lotte Verbeek. … Continue reading
Just like it was hinted in the last Outlander newsletter, the newest one that arrived in our inboxes this morning is focused on Sam Heughan and becoming Jamie Fraser. I especially love that first photo of Sam/Jamie in full regalia. … Continue reading
During the Outlander Retreat in Seattle on Saturday, the big surprise for all in attendance was the release of this brand new featurette on Outlander. It shows a lot of brand new footage as well as interviews with the cast … Continue reading
In the June 13th issue of Entertainment Weekly (featuring Masters of Sex on the cover), there is a two page spread about Outlander. Specifically, it describes the process of depicting Claire’s time travel from the 1940’s to 1743. We have … Continue reading
In one of his first interviews from the Outlander set, Tobias Menzies (Frank and Jack Randall) talks with Access Hollywood about the books, their popularity, the fans, and Twitter. (We aren’t that scary, Tobias!) Source: Access Hollywood
SoHo TV Austrailia (Foxtel) is the channel that will be showing Outlander for all the Aussie Outlander fans. No premiere date has been announced yet, but the channel released their own version of the full trailer that debuted last night with … Continue reading
The official Outlander Facebook page posted a slew of photos today, most of which were previously featured in several issues of the Outlander newsletter. Among the older images is a new photo of Frank Randall and Reverend Wakefield, a historian … Continue reading
Today and yesterday, Outlander has returned to the 1940s and is filming scenes with Caitriona Balfe and Tobias Menzies in Glasgow, Scotland. There are a few behind the scenes photos from both The Herald Scotland and from fans who were … Continue reading