BTS Special Feature: Book Changes in ‘Outlander’ Episode 213, “Dragonfly in Amber”

Access Hollywood has a behind the scenes special feature from the upcoming release of the Outlander season two Blu-ray/DVD release.  In this video, we hear executive producer Maril Davis, executive producer/showrunner Ronald D. Moore, and writer/producer Toni Graphia explain some … Continue reading

‘The Making of Outlander’ – On Casting and Locations

On the day of The Making of Outlander‘s release, author Tara Bennett writes a bit about casting and locations for Outlander based on her research and interviews for the book.  She wrote this piece for Vanity Fair, so head over … Continue reading

Go Behind the Scenes with Ronald D. Moore, Toni Graphia, and Matthew B. Roberts in Episode 213 (Video)

Executive producer Ronald D. Moore and writers/producers Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts take us behind the scenes of Outlander episode 213, “Dragonfly in Amber.”  Ron, Matt, and Toni discuss the change in the order of the bookends of Diana Gabaldon’s novel, … Continue reading

‘Outlander’ Recap/Review: Episode 213, “Dragonfly in Amber” (Season Finale)

[This is not a spoiler-free review/recap of the episode. If you have not seen the episode yet, read it at your own spoiler risk.] Episode 213, “Dragonfly in Amber” Written by Matthew B. Roberts and Toni Graphia, Directed by Philip John … Continue reading

With ‘Outlander’ Season Three Comes a Writers’ Room Shake-up

We fans have been spoiled with some really great writers for seasons one and two of Outlander.  The core writers have been Matthew B. Roberts, Anne Kenney, Toni Graphia, Ira Steven Behr, and Ronald D. Moore.  With season two, we … Continue reading

Starz Hopes ‘Outlander’ Will Score a Nom In These 11 Emmy Categories

  The nomination process for the Emmy Awards began on June 13, 2016 and will continue to June 27, 2016.  Only Television Academy members can vote for nominations and awards.  However, Starz hopes fans will be able to spread the … Continue reading